But is it true that every rebellion is a revenge?? A resentment??
Perhaps we need to define both the resentment as well as the rebellion???
Resentment is for something that we do not possess, while rebellion is saying no for something we already possess. It is a fight of what is "LEFT IN US"
And for which we rebel fights for something which each human being possess irrespective of social status, nationality,gender, colour and race ,that is, basic tenets of Human dignity-freedom, equality and fraternity.
A true rebel values what is common to all the humaity...not to his class only...rebellions will keep failing if people do not realize that they need to fight on the basic human values-values that are common to people you are fighting against too .
That is why Mahatma Gandhi wanted a revolution of Non-violence because he was afraid of one fact only that is, the Independence movement moving out of its humble beginnings based on equality into the bloody backlash by the Indain population, thus losing out its moral value.
There is a thin line between rebellion and resentment- But the basis of a rebellion are Universal values rather then narrow class wars of resentment. French revolution is a classic example of rebellion based on Universal values spiralling out of control into a resentment. As soon as a rebellion slips into resentment, it ceases to be "morally right revolt"
If you resent the rich and you want to kill them for their richness, then you are not really a rebel ...you are merely a resenter...you want something that you do not possess i.e. their wealth.You are merely disguising your anger as a rebellion.
I want you to know therefore that if you value life of your fellow men and you are prepared to fight for them...do value life of the oppressors too....We need to destroy the "symbols" and "ideas"only-we need not to destory precious Human lives for this.