Every revolution starts under specific circumstances and under the direction of front-line leaders. These leaders provide the vision, direction, guidance, moral and social legimitacy to the revolution. But what happens when the revolution achieves its primary function?
Aim of each revolution consists of concrete part and an abstract part. The concrete part is the immediate objective i.e. to overthrow the current social set-up and the other is to build a new social order which is a long term aim. While there are numerous examples of revolutions achieving their primary objectives there are very rare cases of revolution achieving their second objective i.e. to build a new social order (which most probably is a utopia).
Take the example of the Russian Revolution. While it was able to achieve its primary objective i.e. to overthrow czar and to bring the whole nation under a single communist government, it failed miserably in creating a classless society.
The reason is simple and it is that Power corrupts.No matter how idealistic a leader can be, after all he is a human being motivated by the primal instincts of getting power. And this power is addictive. Thus whenever a revolution succeeds, the new elite replacing the earlier elite gets addicted to this power. As I had said earlier that Human being is more animal than any animal. This hormonal rush soon overcloud the rationality of man. And thus irrational primal instincts of man overpowers the rationality and vision of man.There are numerous examples too like Zimbabwe, Indonesia, Iran where the revolutions succeeded initially only to create an equally brutal state.
It is therefore imperative that a revolution should be leaderless so that any chancs of a leader HIJACKING the revolution for his mean puposes is removed. Now, how is that possible? First of all leaderless revolts had been occuring all through the history. From Boxer revolt to Boston tea party, all revolts had been carried out by random people without any guidance .Apart from this even French revolution in its initial stages was leaderless. Even today the revolt against Muammer Gadaffi is majorly been fought by unorganized groups which want Muammer to leave rather than seeing a new government and Egyptian revolution was also a primarily leaderless revolution.
All this indicates that Leaderless revolutions are possible. A leaderless revolution is the best possible way of avoiding failure of a revolution.