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Thursday, 9 June 2011


The Strength Of society does not lie in the Sterngth of State. If people are not together, no state is strong enough to hold a nation together. People see a stateless society as a weak society, as a society not able to defend itself from aggressors. But the greatest danger to a society comes not from the outside but from the inside, from the difference of opinions, races, social hierarchies etc.

See the example of USSR, a superpower which was not destroyed by its rival but by the numerous differences that rose in it., ultimately dividing into 15 republics. It serves as an example that if a society is strong,even if the administration is decentralised or even altogether absent  it can sustain itself amid the greatest troubles. Though there are differences in each society, it can cope up with them if the differences are not curbed.It is tolerance which gives strength to it, not the missiles, army and nuclear bombs. The strength of the society lies in this tolerance of differences, common history of suffering, of pride and of culture.

These are the greatest arms of a stateless society. If a society is internally strong, it is impossible to be defeated. The ancient Greece was able to hold against the mighty Persian Empire not because of the fact that it was more militarily strong, it was beacuse of the reason that the it was strong as a society even though it was divided into various power centres of Athens, Sparta and Thebes.

It is more important to make society as a whole strong by not letting differences crop between us, even though our "Great" leaders try to exarcerbate such differences for political gains.

 A strong Society can survive without a strong State, but a strong State cannot survive without a strong Society.