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Tuesday 24 January 2012


They are no longer a motley of Human-emotions...Movies today shape up much of our perceptions about ideologies, beliefs etc. They have become a strong tool for forming public opinion .It is true for all form of media today as well.

People generally do not think much  about the beliefs and ideologies. They are much worried about their day-to-day affairs. Because of this reason they generally "follow" whatever is told to them to be right. It is therfore the responsibility of the movies to present the true picture and all facts correctly alongwith their proofs, so that the people can analyze the things for themselves.

However this unbiased presentation of the facts and opinions is not there which leads to idelogies becoming unwarranted "victims". Nothing is more victim of unbiased presentation of facts than "anarchism" itself.

I call this concept of anarchism as the "Joker's anarchy" because of the mis-representaion of the anarchism in movie "the dark knight". Far from being an ideal world without controls,in which everything works harmoniously; anarchy in the movie seen as a dystopia in which everything is crumbling down and is heading towards destruction.
Because of these kinds of mis-representaion of facts, anarchism today is seen as a "terrorist's ideology" rather than a future for humanity.Anarchy or anarchism even in dictionary is first described as a "disorderly state" before its explanation as "a society without state"

What people have in their minds today is "joker's anarchy" rather than a "true anarchy". But the movie is not a stand-alone case. There have been several malicious campaigns run over the years by both the capitalists and socialists which had severely damaged the concept of anarchism. Few incidents like the" haymarket affair" were used as incidents to malign our image. Today people associate Anarchism with something "very negative" or even "evil"

We need to refurbish the image of anarchism. Perhaps we need a word, a new flag in order to carry our revolution forward since the word "anarchism" is "beyond repair"...

I want people to shed the image of a "stateless society" as "Joker's anarchy"