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Thursday, 9 June 2011


The Strength Of society does not lie in the Sterngth of State. If people are not together, no state is strong enough to hold a nation together. People see a stateless society as a weak society, as a society not able to defend itself from aggressors. But the greatest danger to a society comes not from the outside but from the inside, from the difference of opinions, races, social hierarchies etc.

See the example of USSR, a superpower which was not destroyed by its rival but by the numerous differences that rose in it., ultimately dividing into 15 republics. It serves as an example that if a society is strong,even if the administration is decentralised or even altogether absent  it can sustain itself amid the greatest troubles. Though there are differences in each society, it can cope up with them if the differences are not curbed.It is tolerance which gives strength to it, not the missiles, army and nuclear bombs. The strength of the society lies in this tolerance of differences, common history of suffering, of pride and of culture.

These are the greatest arms of a stateless society. If a society is internally strong, it is impossible to be defeated. The ancient Greece was able to hold against the mighty Persian Empire not because of the fact that it was more militarily strong, it was beacuse of the reason that the it was strong as a society even though it was divided into various power centres of Athens, Sparta and Thebes.

It is more important to make society as a whole strong by not letting differences crop between us, even though our "Great" leaders try to exarcerbate such differences for political gains.

 A strong Society can survive without a strong State, but a strong State cannot survive without a strong Society.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011


Democracy  is a myth. The people can never see their power in the form the state. State will be state whether it is ruled by a single ruler , king , dictator, plutocracy, gerontocracy, democracy, whatever.
Selecting the rulers under democracy is nothing but providing an illusion to the the people that they are in control
I know most of us would disagree with me ...but I want to ask a simple question have you seen crackdown of the so called democratically elected government. Endless fottages are present on the internet where there is a violent crackdown by the democratically elected governments of U.S. , Britain, France, India, Japan etc. on the non-violent protestors

Most of the corrupt governments are democratically elected governments. The problem is not democratically elected government but government itself. I believe that we need community decisions (and state was formed as a facilitator for this) but if a decision is imposed on the community than it is not a community decision at all. Democracy gives that illusion that a decision is a community decision even when the community is against it because the argument is that the decision was from the community leaders and the leaders have been on the will of community itself so indirectly it is a community decision.

MY view is that Democracy itself is not bad.In fact it was the earliest form of Human Order . It is the representative democracy which is bad for the society.The pristine form of Democracy is the direct democracy rather than the representative democracy. Most of the people will say that direct democracy is not practical.I would have agreed with you if you have said it to me 10 years ago. But today in the the information age it is much more practical. I believe that a stateless society is much more practical today as information age enables to remove a  huge roadblock in the community decision-making and that is problem in communication and expression of opinions of masses.

Representative democracy is a Myth, Direct democracy is the future.

Saturday, 4 June 2011


A generation today is enjoying more options..In jobs, in life, in love and in leisure. Yet emptiness is flowing like an undercurrent.  Is the present generation missing out some action? If you are one of those white collar worker, or a school boy, or a college you feel like everything you are working is not worth at all?
Technically you should not feel like this. You have much more than your past generations. You should be grateful.
Instead of all the reasoning above you feel otherwise...I know this, because I feel this too....and I feel I know the reason
The opportunity to create something bigger than me has been SNATCHED AWAY from me....

Friday, 3 June 2011


According to the definition “Human being is a social animal” Now, Social animal refers to an animal which is highly interactive with other members of its species. So in the list of social animals; technically ants, termites, wild dogs and lions also join up with Humans.
Human nature is nothing but animal behavior expressed in complex and varied ways. The simple aggression of animal gets transformed into numerous clones like anger, jealousy, annoyance, contempt and Rage in civilized Human. Similarly the love in animals gets mutated into different versions such as sympathy, love, caring, compassion and pity in Humans.
In fact, Human is a single species which exhibits sum total of all behavior of Animals. A Lioness will protect its cubs with all her strength and a Wolf spider can kill its own Young. But Humans can show both behaviors. That is why I call Humans “MORE ANIMAL THAN ANY ANIMAL”.

So if Human being is more Animal-like then where the difference lies with respect to Animals?

 Which is one thing that is Unique to Humans and Human Society?

 Which is that one nature of Humans thay had not derived from their Animal ancestors?

Which is the ultimate differentiator between Humans and Animals?

I call this the “Sense of Justice”. If a young one of an animal is neglected in its childhood, it will not seek revenge. But a Human child will develop a lifelong feeling of contempt as a mechanism of “self-delivered justice” if such thing happens to him/her.
Let us see this picture in terms of society. If a lion kills a deer, the “deer society” will not seek revenge for killing one of their own. But if person of one community kills a person of another person the whole community can clash with another community. In terms of nations, a weaker nation can seek to guerrilla warfare, terrorism etc. with superior nation as tit-for-tat for meting out injustice to them. All this is nothing but a unique behaviour of humans motivated by sense of justice.
Sense of Justice is the point where the ruthless laws of nature vanish. And where the weaker seek “even out” with superior. It seeks to fight rather than submit to superiority. Sense of Justice is the only gift of civilization to Humans.
The prime function of government was to deliver this essential need of humans i.e. the justice. From King Solomon to the more recent Judiciary... delivering justice is most important for the government. If any government fails to keep justice and society degrades to the one more governed by ruthless rules of Jungle than the rules of civilization...such government is fit to be thrown out in order to save the Human civilization.

Thursday, 2 June 2011


Human Mind is the place where ideas are born and from human interaction they get strength. Though ideas are universal and each human mind has the capability to approach them they are refined and confirmed through minds of fellow human beings.
Take the example of French revolution and American war of independence, where the idea of overthrowing oppressive forces gained strength in the coffee shops, or, democratic decisions in the streets of Rome. In each instance the ideas got momentum from the interaction of Humans. Governments throughout the history have tried to control the Human interaction because they know and they fear the fact that any congregation has the potential to generate an idea which can be lethal to their existence.
Through many years we have seen the autocratic governments dispersing the crowds even when they are protesting in a peaceful manner (Red Square in Russia). We have seen the “Democratic “governments of today controlling any form of gathering which is seemingly against them .
The concept is simple and that is The Power of People will be greater than the coercive power of Government If and only If people gather. The only way of making the coercive power of government greater to that of public is to destroy it’s cradle i.e. interaction of Humans.
For ages therefore Governments have tried to delude people through Wars, Religion, Entertainment ( 7  hours a day of T.V. watching) and controlling the information channels to make circumstances where people do not interact with one other (The idea has been beautifully explored in the Media Control of Noam Chomsky.). The result is that today we have no place where we can meet and discuss our ideas.
Even the latest and the most powerful invention for the general public i.e. internet has also become a threat to governments worldwide whether they are autocratic or democratic because it transfers power back to people; because it gives them a platform to generate, discuss, refine and spread their ideas and most importantly it gives them a tool to know what exactly their governments are up to.
And no doubt, from China to U.S. governments are hell bent on controlling it on some pretext or the other. (Well, It is a different topic altogether and I would like to write on internet freedom later).
The whole point of saying it is that today we have no way of open interaction and it gives governments a free hand even as they impose their decisions on us. The governments all over the world are happy to see people divided and lost in their own worlds as they freely control their lives.  Over the years, the authorities have developed subtle means of controlling the public rather than force. They have started realizing that hypnotising someone is better than killing him and that is a more dangerous situation as we combat to generate and fight for ideas which justify human existence.